Windows will normally boot straight to this menu if your PC is having trouble starting up. You’ll see a blue “Choose an option” screen, and you can select “Troubleshoot” to access a wide variety of troubleshooting options. For example, you can uninstall updates, use System Restore to roll back software changes, and boot into a Safe Mode environment where you might be able to undo what went wrong.
In some cases, your computer might boot, but not work right. To access the recovery menu, just press and hold down the Shift key while you click the “Restart” option — for example, you might click “Restart” after clicking the power button on the lock screen, in the Start menu, or on the Ctrl+Alt+Delete screen.
Windows prep step #3: Create a recovery drive (or a full installation drive)
If things go really wrong, you might not be able to boot to that recovery menu at all. In this case, you can boot from a recovery drive to find the same troubleshooting options. Or, you can boot from a Windows installation drive to find both the troubleshooting options and a way to reinstall Windows and start over.