Bell also co-founded what is now the Computer History Museum of Mountain View, California; established the ACM Gordon Bell Prize to honor innovations in high-performance computing; and was granted...
Trump wins the presidential election The biggest wildcard for Microsoft came late in the year with Trump’s election, which has potential long-range consequences for its AI plans, as well as...
The end of the year means it’s time to reflect on what’s really important in life: friends, family — and Windows PC tips. That may sound silly, but I’ve...
Strange programs that you’ve never seen before and don’t need show up. Case in point: occasionally an item named “Teams machine-wide installer” shows up on my PCs. It’s something...
Unfair practices and strategic risks The Biden administration has alleged that China’s dominance stems from anti-competitive practices, including cyber intrusions, forced technology transfers, and underpricing chips by 30% to...
And one more thing to check: Make your way back to the Google settings menu where we started and tap your name and account name there one more time....
Enterprise implications: Navigating AI in a changing landscape The appointment of a tech-savvy leader like Krishnan reflects the Trump administration’s recognition of AI as a critical element for global...
Ah, the holidays. No matter what manner of winter celebration you prefer (I’m a Festivus man myself), late December is a fine time for kickin’ back and collecting your...
While Windows is a powerful operating system for productivity, so much of what we do with work these days revolves around the web. Whatever your browser of choice —...
Fake AI clips of celebrities are becoming increasingly common, something that affects, among other things, artists and actors who have their voices and looks cloned without their permission. With...