At its core, Google Files makes it painless and almost even pleasant to browse through your phone’s local storage and find, share, or organize any files you’ve downloaded or...
Technology innovations have made the digital transformation of public services essential to enhancing safety, efficiency, and accountability. Kazakhstan has taken a monumental step forward in this regard by implementing...
Microsoft is creating a new engineering group focused on artificial intelligence: Core AI — Platform and Tools. The group combines the company’s Developer Division with the AI Platforms work...
Save me from rich, white men who insist they and their kind are being discriminated against. Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, majority owner (not the founder) of SpaceX, Tesla, and...
Loukides said interest in learning programming languages appears to be waning, with Rust being a notable exception. If that’s happening because users expect AI to handle language details, that...
At the very least, the review does buy Apple time to improve its business systems to better match what it now knows regulators want, without decimating its business. When...
Enterprise computers are often the ugly ducklings of the PC world, viewed as dull, slow and less feature-rich than their consumer counterparts. But vendors at last week’s Consumer Electronics...
Smart glasses require “purposeful compromise,” when it comes to balancing functionality with a lightweight form factor, and “different vendors are making different decisions,” to achieve this, said Greengart. Halliday’s...
As with any audit, standard procedures need to be considered. Ideally, these basic processes will follow the model of other audit procedures already in place. There will always be...
Retirement of Tag Feature in Microsoft 365 Apps: Microsoft retired the “Tags” feature in Microsoft 365 apps between Jan. 6, 2025, and Jan. 10, 2025. Users can no longer...