Let me be as blunt as I can be about this: Mushy-brained of a mammal as I may be, I’m someone who closely follows Google and studies its services as part of my job. I’m more tech-savvy than most average animals (which isn’t saying much, I realize, but even so). And I’ve been immersed in this particular part of the tech universe for something like 7,947 years now.
And yet, I couldn’t even begin to tell you what all that stuff means, in plain English, or why you might want to pick one Gemini model over another. Heck, even after reading Google’s 4,000-character oeuvre about all the ins and outs of this latest Gemini 2.0 edition, I couldn’t explain to you what, exactly, makes it any different to use on a practical level compared to the earlier versions — nor, after spending quite a bit of time testing it, could I identify to you how it’s done things any better for me in any meaningful, measurable, and specific way.
And that, m’dear, is absolutely hilarious to me — because the entire point of Gemini is that it’s supposed to help us understand stuff and make our lives easier. But somehow, its very interface is so frickin’ complex and convoluted that we practically need another version of Gemini just to decipher it and help us understand which version of Gemini we’re supposed to use for what and why.